About Dolphin Quantum
Pioneering Pool Cleaning Excellence
Welcome to a world where taking care of the pool is not hard anymore! The Dolphin Quantum makes sure your pool stays clean without any effort from you.
We believe in rewriting the rules of pool cleaning. Our Dolphin Quantum Pool Robot is designed to exceed your expectations with groundbreaking technology like Nanofiltration™ and the MaxBin™. We are always looking forward, innovating to create smarter, more efficient solutions. Our aim is simple: cleaner pools with less effort. Join us on this journey to a sparkling clean future.
With SmartNav 2.0™, the Quantum ensures optimal cleaning patterns, covering every inch of your pool, including the waterline. Our advanced Nanofilter™ captures even the smallest particles, leaving your water crystal clear. Experience the future of pool cleaning with Dolphin Quantum. Dive into excellence!